Thursday, January 26, 2012

Blog Project Status

At this part of my project im about to began work on my Animoto video and then my Wordle. Im a little behind schedule because I had to recover my password to Blogger. The best thing for me to have a smooth road ahead for my project is to not forget my password again and everything work as planned. My researching I've been finding is really helpful for my topic. My goals is to catch back up to where im supposed to be and find out the best ways for my objectives.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Preliminary Links and Describtions
This following website contained alot of information on the soliders, weapons, and all of the battles. The website answers many of the questions.
This website was a timeline of most events during the war era. The dates were very helpful for my topic.
This website is really helpful about the battles and other important events. The only bad thing about the site is that it is covered in ads.
This is a two-sidered website which is real helpful, Union and Confederates. It gave a ton of information for me.

What I want to know about my topic

As I chose my topic I'm currently researching I am very curious and eager to know more than what I already do. My top question as of now for my topic is, "What information can I find about the Civil War through the literature of that time period?" I am going to use five other questions to help break down my main top question.

1. What would happen if a solider was shot in the leg? Why?

2. Did General Grant's lack of leadership hurt the Union? Why?

3. What caused General Lee to surrender?

4. How come South Carolina was first to secede from the Union?

5. Why were the slaves the reason for the Civil War?

Friday, January 20, 2012

What I already know about my topic

From all of my past History and Social Studies classes, I've learned a lot about the time span through the civil war time. The Union soliders and the Confederate soliders. Union soliders were the northern states and the Confederate soliders were the southern states. The start of the war was at Fort Sumter, in Charleston South Carolina. The date was December 26, 1860. The end of the war was when General Lee surrendered the grant at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865.

The story behind my topic choice

I chose the civil war and aftermath topic because, I've always like to learn about past wars and history. I also like to learn how the people and all of the surrondings acted, spoke, and thought during those times. Growing up in the south I've always heard stories about the war and it's very interesting. I've studied the civil war and it's aftermath alot through my educational career but I'd love to learn more detail on the topic.